Business Startup
Starting a new business can be a daunting experience; many people don’t know where to start.
At NKC we have the skills and experience to help get your business off the ground. There are many steps involved in starting a new business and NKC can help guide you along the path to success.
Decide on a suitable structure for your new business i.e. Sole-trader, partnership or company.
Develop a business plan to assess the feasibility of your proposed business.
Prepare cash flow forecasts.
Assess financing requirements and advise on suitable sources of finance.
Complete all relevant registrations required with the Companies Registration Office and Revenue Commissioners.
Set up procedures and controls for managing your business going forward.
Once you’re operating we actively assist you in the management of your new business with the following supports.
Managing and improving the financial health of your business
Providing services such as payroll and outsourcing
Preparing management accounts and year-end reports
Providing Business Development, Marketing and PR advice and assistance
Preparing your annual tax return, identifying opportunities to plan for corporate or personal investments, pension contributions and wealth management.
Secretarial Services
Our thorough knowledge of compliance requirements, company law, governance principles and good company secretarial practice means we are well placed to assist you with your company secretarial requirements. The law in this area is both complex and demanding, and the consequences of poor compliance for companies and directors can be significant.
How can we help?
Filing of annual returns in the Companies Registration Office
Advice on good governance procedures
Voluntary strike-off of dormant companies
Restoration of dissolved companies
Changes to company names, articles of association and shareholdings as needed.
If you need startup or secretarial advice email us with your questions.