Personal Tax

NKC Business & Taxation Consultants income tax services

We provide individual advice to help you organise your personal tax affairs efficiently. We don’t simply compute your tax liability; we proactively identify opportunities to minimise your future tax exposure.

Income Tax

Self-assessment for individuals and partnerships has brought increased burdens on taxpayers as it is your legal obligation to meet the deadlines imposed by legislation and avoid unnecessary penalties and interest charges. We are highly experienced professionals in this field and we can help you to meet all of your income tax obligations whether you are a private client, a sole trader, a partnership or a Company Director.

Income Tax Returns are required by all self-employed individuals or individuals who have income other than their P60 employment income such as rental or investment income. The Income Tax Return is submitted annually and is due at the end of October each year. Basically, any income earned outside the PAYE system is liable for tax.

Tax compliance can be complicated and certain areas are open to interpretation. Incorrect treatment of income, expenses or allowances may result in understated and inaccurate tax return submissions which may lead to Revenue enquiries. In addition, taxpayers may overpay taxes through a lack of knowledge or experience dealing with the Irish tax system.

Our services include

  • Preparation of income tax returns including partnership returns.

  • Tax-efficient remuneration planning.

  • Retirement planning.

  • Inheritance and gift tax advice and preparation of the relevant tax returns.

  • Advising sole traders and partnerships on their business structures and incorporation.

  • Assistance with Revenue audit and investigations.

Email us directly to see how we can help you with your income tax.