Covid-19 Support for employers in relation to Layoffs, Short-time working and Sick pay
Covid-19 Support for employers
For employees who have been laid off due to the Covid pandemic – they can apply for a six week emergency payment. Please note that this is a temporary arrangement and during this period of six weeks the application for the jobseekers allowance should be submitted. Please find the application form below:
Short-Time Working
A Short Time Work Support is available from the Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection and is an income support payment for employees who have been temporarily placed on a shorter working week and is intended to help employers during periods of temporary difficulty. Further details below:
As a rule there is no Entitlement in Ireland to receive sick pay from your employer, it is the Employers discretion if they wish to pay sick Pay.
Covid 19 – Employees are entitled to claim Illness Benefit from the Department of Enterprise and Social Protection (“DEASP”) if they test positive for Covid 19 for the period of self-isolation.
Please see below link attached with information how to claim benefit:
For more information please feel free to get in touch.